Huffer ManThe Paint Huffer Man was on TV today, and I have to say, it affected me in a most unusual way. Like most of the guys on COPS no shirt he wore,
I expected cussing and more, but his speech revealed a gentle spirit at his core.
The white around his mouth showed the color he huffed, his unshaven skin was rough,
and the officer that saw him said he'd seen enough.
The Paint Huffer explained at first it was lipstick, applied all messy and thick,
but the officer wanted the huffer in the hospital quick.
How long have you been at this huffing of paint? He asked as a friend not a saint.
The Huffer said Since fifteen and now I'm twenty eight.
With disgust I began to think and exclaim, what a waste and a shame.
To have huffed for pleasure when he could have had fame.
Why do you do this Paint Huffer Man, sniffing white paint from a can?
His answer revealed a most ingenious plan.
His hands were missing a most crucial part, and changed my heart.
No thumbs were present guaranteeing a life so hard.
Huffer asked D'ya know how much it costs for volume? Officer asked Do you mean valium?
That's it man, yeah thirty bucks for just one.
And for my pain some would think that I'm dense, with no real financial sense,
If I paid more than just ninety-eight cents.
For that is the price of the paint in the can, and why I never planned,
to buy anything else, said the Paint Huffer Man.
What if it was me or you in his place, how to run the race,
with no thumbs and a pain that is so hard to face?
Would we have the paint all over ourselves, or would it be something else,
to feel something like joy when life just smells?
For me, it's a hard question to answer.
Scott Lake - November 2004

Archie Smith: Boy Wonder
One week Matt brought this book by Chris van Allsburg to
our writing club meeting. The book is called "The Mysteries of Harris
Burdick". Take a look at the pages of the book here
. The book is nothing more than some interesting title pages and a full frame picture that goes with the title page. Our challenge from Matt was to write a story using the title, the picture and the single quotation from the story. Here's my assignment
Worst Fear
Another week Matt asked us to write about our worst fear. Here's my assignment